our services

Speech Sound Disorder Therapy

Speech Sound Disorder serves as the umbrella term for a number of diagnoses. These include difficulty with motor production, perception, or phonological representation of speech sounds and speech segments.  

Source: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association​

Common signs or displays of a speech sound disorder include the omission of certain sounds (“foo” vs “food”), substitution of sounds (“wabbit” vs “rabbit”), addition of sounds (“bulack” vs “black”) distortion, often displayed in the form of a lateral “s”.

Early Intervention Therapy

The ability to effectively communicate serves as the bedrock of our children’s development. Early Intervention Therapy aims to diagnose and treat speech disorders such as speech and sound disorders, speech delays, and voice disorders in children under the age of five. 


Children at this age have not fully developed an understanding of language, rendering traditional therapy techniques less effective. Early intervention Therapy will place greater focus on skills such as phonology, semantics, and pragmatics through games and pretend play to encourage effective communication and social skills.


Fluency Disorder Therapy

Fluency refers to the rate or flow of our speech. While we all use pauses or filler words, a fluency disorder is most typically indicated by an atypical speech pattern. 


Stuttering is the most common and most often fluency issue noticed by parents. General stuttering behaviors are repetition of certain sounds or words, prolongations of certain sounds as well as the inability to initiate certain sounds known as blocks. 


There is no single definitive cause of stuttering, it is widely regarded as multifactorial and is often a combination of genetic, neurophysiological and environmental factors. As a result of this, treatments are highly individualized to target the needs of your child.

Language Disorder Therapy

Expressive & Receptive Language disorders are most often experienced and are placed within the larger category of Language and Speech Disorders. While Speech and Sound Therapy deals in the production of sound,  Language and Speech deals with the expression and understanding of feelings, thoughts and ideas. Language Therapy will focus on talking, reading, writing and understanding rather than the physical motor production of speech. 



Social Communication Therapy

Social Communication, also know as pragmatic communication, is how we make decisions on how to communicate in a given circumstance. It is the unwritten rules of social interaction, such as saying please and thank you and understanding why and when to do so. Knowing how to adjust your communication style to different people based on social ques and the context of the situation is what allows us to effectively communicate and develop. 


Social Communication therapy can help by supporting or even facilitating communication with others. Either in a one-on-one or group setting, it provides the opportunity for interaction with someone new while being guided by a Speech Language Pathologist to use new or different language that is more effective. 

Why Choose Chameleon Therapy?

Developmental delays and disorders of any nature can be challenging for both the affected and those around them. Speech and Language issues are no expectation. It is for that reason we aim to make the therapy process as frictionless and stress free as possible for those receiving therapy as well as those closest to the recipient, such as parents or guardians of young clients.

At Chameleon Therapy we understand the importance of being able to provide convenience without sacrifice to quality. Our Tele-Therapy offering provides convenience as well as flexibility for parents who would otherwise need to find time between school, work and practices for in person speech sessions. 

Our stress free philosophy applies just as much to the sessions as well. It is the goal of every session to have fun and engage in the therapy equally. It is important a child enjoys their time in speech and looks forward to coming back. With technology such as online games and interactive materials, tele-therapy allows for rich interaction and engagement.


As a small family owned and operated business we develop a true relationship with our clients. You will never be treated as a number but as a friend. Give us call or email today to tell us more about you and learn how we can help!

6 Years Experience

ASHA Accredited

Quick Turnaround

Dedicated Support